〉You will gain more sensed feeling and understanding of what it takes to thrive in self-organization and how you make the most out of it for yourself, your team and organization.
〉You will gain more capacity to self-direct your feelings, thoughts and actions.
〉You will become more self-aware of your inner dynamics and patterns that support you and prevent you from thriving in self-organization.
〉You will develop a greater capacity to feel, name and interpret your emotions the moment they occur and release them so that you can use the hidden message they convey to make better decisions.
〉You will become more connected to your own needs and capable of finding strategies to meet them.
〉You will learn how to release blockages that prevent you from moving forward.
〉You will become more aware of your inner relation to power and how it plays in the organizational context and life.
〉You will become more honest and authentic – towards yourself and others.
I help you identify your breakthrough question – something that puzzles you, that can’t be answered straight away, but when the answer gets clearer, the energy for the change will be released and new possibilities will emerge. This is where we set the rules for ourselves and co-create the next step.
We work on your breakthrough question, identify and remove obstacles and blockages that stand in the way (detrimental beliefs, misleading understanding and assumptions, energy structures, etc.) and learn new ways of accessing deeper wisdom and decoding information from the situations you experience, feelings and bodily sensations you feel. This is where you experiment, practice, reflect, upgrade and celebrate your learnings. This is also where we tweak the process so it meets your needs best. You decide how fast we go.
This step consists of a minimum six sessions, each 1.5-2 hours, every two to three weeks. It can last as long as it is helpful for you. We will regularly stop to check if it still does.
Here is where this journey gets to its completion so that the new one can begin. We evaluate the progress, give attention to what still needs to be appreciated and draw a vision of what is next to come.
Meditation is a great way to calm your senses, relax and get focused on what you want and need. It can be short, easy and effective. Get my Meditation Starter-Kit to kick you off and get more in the driving seat of your wellbeing.