Have you been wondering why you experience...


  • slow decision making that creates bottlenecks
  • too little clarity on how decisions were made
  • overwhelm with the level of responsibility
  • low commitment and engagement
  • not enough transparency
  • not available information when it is most needed
  • too little cooperation and silos mentality
  • too long and not efficient enough meetings
  • rare entrepreneurship and ownership mentality
  • time consuming and theoretical planning and budgeting
  • focus on short term results
  • attracting and keeping best talents
  • not learning on mistakes
  • little responsiveness and adaptability

Have you been wondering why you experience...

  • quick decision making
  • trust and transparency
  • freedom and responsibility
  • clear and dynamic organizational structure
  • culture of responsiveness and adaptability
  • long term focus
  • conscious and distributed leadership
  • dynamic steering
  • efficient meetings
  • fluent collaboration
  • constant learning and innovating
  • best talents onboard
Transform your space

Interior Decorators

It’s amazing what a small space with limited lighting can be turned into if a professional designer gets their hands on it!

Have you been wondering why you experience...


  • slow decision making that creates bottlenecks
  • too little clarity on how decisions were made
  • overwhelm with the level of responsibility
  • low commitment and engagement
  • not enough transparency
  • not available information when it is most needed
  • too little cooperation and silos mentality
  • too long and not efficient enough meetings
  • rare entrepreneurship and ownership mentality
  • time consuming and theoretical planning and budgeting
  • focus on short term results
  • attracting and keeping best talents
  • not learning on mistakes
  • little responsiveness and adaptability

And have you dreamed of...

  • quick decision making
  • trust and transparency
  • freedom and responsibility
  • clear and dynamic organizational structure
  • culture of responsiveness and adaptability
  • long term focus
  • conscious and distributed leadership
  • dynamic steering
  • efficient meetings
  • fluent collaboration
  • constant learning and innovating
  • best talents onboard

May I offer SOME options…

Organizational Transformation

You sense your team or company is ready and willing to enter into the world of new ways of working and relating? Rather than doing it on your own you would prefer to have continuous support?

This could be a co-creation and delivery of the change process with you. Together we will leverage the skills, talents and processes you already have in your organization to make the change run as smoothly as possible. And stick.

A usual new work systemic transformation starts with a diagnosis phase, followed by co-creation and implementation. We will iterate to increase adaptability and capacity of people that are the core organizational skills for new ways of working.  

To explore this path:

Workshops &
Group Sessions

Maybe you just need some specific support in changing organizational structure, decision making, feedback and learning processes, adjusting some element of your evolving operating system to the new ways of working. Maybe you need to tweak your change process or enrich it with some specific knowledge, practice or case studies.

This could be from a short team session in a specific area of interest to a few days co-creation workshops. Whatever that is you are looking for, we will co-design it together to make sure it will contribute positively to your vision and goals and allow deeper reflection and/or implementation.

To explore this path:

Sparring &

Are you a leader and wonder what is needed from you so the change can happen and stick?

Have you tried some approaches, methods and tools and you sense something is missing?

Are you part of an ongoing transformation and need a one-off or regular sparring or advice?

Are you stuck and not sure how to move forward?

Are you looking for radical honesty, meaningful insights, various perspectives and ideas?

I could support you on your journey! You are to decide what to take, what to explore further and co-create and how your next step will look like.

To explore this path:

Have you been wondering why you experience...


  • slow decision making that creates bottlenecks
  • too little clarity on how decisions were made
  • overwhelm with the level of responsibility
  • low commitment and engagement
  • not enough transparency
  • not available information when it is most needed
  • too little cooperation and silos mentality
  • too long and not efficient enough meetings
  • rare entrepreneurship and ownership mentality
  • time consuming and theoretical planning and budgeting
  • focus on short term results
  • attracting and keeping best talents
  • not learning on mistakes
  • little responsiveness and adaptability

And have you dreamed of...

  • quick decision making
  • trust and transparency
  • freedom and responsibility
  • clear and dynamic organizational structure
  • culture of responsiveness and adaptability
  • long term focus
  • conscious and distributed leadership
  • dynamic steering
  • efficient meetings
  • fluent collaboration
  • constant learning and innovating
  • best talents onboard
  • deliver short term results?

  • We provide personalized and attentive service to build relationships with our clients

  • We are constantly dedicated to excellence

  • We provide a customized design adapted to each clients’ individual need

  1. from Profit to Long Term Perspective
  2. from Static to Dynamic Organizational Structure
  3. from Centralized Authority to Distributed Decision-Making
  4. from Plan & Predict to Continuous Learning & Improvement
  5. from Hierarchical Dependency to Network of Teams
  6. from Control to Freedom & Trust
  7. from Ego-Driven Leadership to Conscious Leadership

from Privacy to Transparency

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem.

Are you committed to:

  • deliver short term results?

  • We provide personalized and attentive service to build relationships with our clients

  • We are constantly dedicated to excellence

  • We provide a customized design adapted to each clients’ individual need

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem.

I’m Alex Daniels.

A Freelance
UX/UI Designer.

im an open book


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take a look


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Knowledge is everything

My Skills.


web design

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product design

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something to say


Cozy Workspace for Designers

It’s amazing what a small space with limited lighting can be turned into if a professional designer gets their hands on it!

Modern Designs for Older Buildings

We're a team of interior designers and professional decorators from California.

We develop the best solutions for your interior design projects and offer assistance with interior decorations, furniture etc.

Our professional decorators have a unique creative vision of how your dream space will work the best for you.

Odtwórz wideo

Still Have Questions?

Learn more about our service offering with the links below. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out.

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Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Let's Get Started!

We design your dream space in 2 weeks or less

Get In touch

Leave us a message

7517 Comstock Ln, Darien, IL, 60561

(630) 663-1232, (865) 767-2927

Our Clients

Driving technology for leading brands


from Profit
to Long Term Perspective


from Static
to Dynamic Organizational Structure




from Plan & Predict
to Continuous Learning & Improvement


from Hierarchical Dependency
to Network of Teams


from Control
to Freedom & Trust


from Ego-Driven Leadership
to Conscious Leadership


from Privacy
to Transparency

my how

My approach

I believe that the more mentaly, emotionally and physically conscious we become the more purposeful, transparent, trustful, free, self-responsible, connected, loving and successful organizations we can build. Transforming the way we manage, organize and relate is a deep work. It requires a significant amount of self-reflection on individual and organizational levels. I believe that the magic happens when radical honesty and genuine love meet. Tools, methods and approaches are very important, helpful and necessary. However, to make a profound change towards self-management you need to be ready to make a radical shift within you and between you. 

I support individuals, teams and organizations on their path towards self-management and wholeness. You can expect me to use fundations of systems thinking and consciousness work and introduce approaches and practices rooted in self-management systems as Holacracy and Sociocracy. I will encourage you to experiment with new ways of working and relating and become friends with agility and conflict resolution. We will build on your achievements, explore what is to stay and what needs to be let go. What new wants to emerge and needs to be integrated to make a difference you are looking for? Decision is yours, my role is to guide you through the process.



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Nulla conserrare beatae iure minimum posteritatem eget atque privatis hic parum.



Clari kopenhagen partes eius aspirat abdicationis fuga facer incidunt dui saepe.

There is a hidden architecture in all the systems we operate in. An invisible dimension beyond the intellect. Are you ready to step into the unknown and explore organization's higher potential?

by conscious organization

There is a hidden architecture in all the systems we operate in. An invisible dimension beyond the intellect that wants to be explored.

by conscious organization

My Invitation

my why

I am inviting you to ​step into the journey of creating a conscious organization and becoming a conscious person. It means we need to shift the paradigm of how we manage, organize and relate. 

This is a path of letting go of power over people so we can meet as partners and contribute in joy to a common purpose rooted in our candid hearts.


my how

what it takes to change?

I believe that the more mentally, emotionally and physically conscious we become the more purposeful, transparent, trustful, free, self-responsible, connected, loving and successful organizations we can build. Transforming the way we manage, organize and relate is a deep work. It requires a significant amount of self-reflection on individual and organizational levels. I believe that the magic happens when radical honesty and genuine love meet. Tools, methods and approaches are very important, helpful and necessary. However, to make a profound change towards self-management you need to be ready to make a radical shift within you and between you. 

what is the path?

I support individuals, teams and organizations on their path towards self-management and wholeness. You can expect me to use fundations of systems thinking and consciousness work and introduce approaches and practices rooted in self-management systems as Holacracy and Sociocracy. I will encourage you to experiment with new ways of working and relating and become friends with agility and conflict resolution. We will build on your achievements, explore what is to stay and what needs to be let go. What new wants to emerge and needs to be integrated to make a difference you are looking for? Decision is yours, my role is to guide you through the process.

So many organizations are consciously sensing the need for change and moving away from a habitual “if… then…” logic. We know that people functioning in healthy environments will thrive and deliver exceptional services. On the other hand talented and creative people under unfavourable conditions will experience lower satisfaction and engagement resulting in longer time-to-market, lower quality and client satisfaction, less innovation, more internal conflicts, unstable cash flow or unsatisfying revenue, margin and profit.

Expanding our ability to look via systemic lenses and shift our approach from hierarchy towards more self-managed and human-centered ways or working will wake up your organization’s collective intelligence and help the company, teams and individuals to thrive.

Are you ready to explore the path of conscious organizing and leadership?

We are living in the world of many unknowns. We are not used to the speed, velocity, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the world we live in. It impacts our wellbeing, health and relations. Sometimes it might be hard to catch up. You might feel overwhelmed. Some of your habits might not serve you anymore. You might be wondering how to get out of this spinning wheel? What needs to shift so that you feel more fulfilled, satisfied, healthy, joyful, connected and happy?

Maybe you know what stands in your way but you are stuck on the how, you sense you are missing something and blocking the new to emerge? 

Maybe you are simply not sure what you really want? Your old model of success is not appealing? Maybe you are missing the direction?

To move on your willingness and readiness to change and question the status quo is critical… 


conscious organization

organizations are the driving force in today's world

I believe organizations are the driving force in today’s world. They shape our habits, beliefs, quality of life and relationships. They profoundly impact our health and wellbeing. I would love you to contribute in a positive way so we can make the world a better place. Even if sometimes we experience separation on the outside, in reality our paths are all connected and influencing each other. 

can you see the interconnectedness in your organization?

Can you see the impact you are having on people and organizations you work with and on the environment you are part of? 

Can you see how you are affected by them? 

What needs to happen so things can change in your desired direction?



You sense your team or company is ready and willing to enter into the world of new ways of working and relating? Rather than doing it on your own you would prefer to have continuous support?

This could be a co-creation and delivery of the change process with you. Together we will leverage the skills, talents and processes you already have in your organization to make the change run as smoothly as possible. And stick.

A usual new work systemic transformation starts with a diagnosis phase, followed by co-creation and implementation. We will iterate to increase adaptability and capacity of people that are the core organizational skills for new ways of working.  

To explore this path:


workshops &
one-off sessions

Maybe you just need some specific support in changing organizational structure, decision making, feedback and learning processes, adjusting some element of your evolving operating system to the new ways of working. Maybe you need to tweak your change process or enrich it with some specific knowledge, practice or case studies.

This could be from a short team session in a specific area of interest to a few days co-creation workshops. Whatever that is you are looking for, we will co-design it together to make sure it will contribute positively to your vision and goals and allow deeper reflection and/or implementation. 

To explore this path:


sparring &

Are you a leader and wonder what is needed from you so the change can happen and stick?

Have you tried some approaches, methods and tools and you sense something is missing?

Are you part of an ongoing transformation and need a one-off or regular sparring or advice?

Are you stuck and not sure how to move forward?

Are you looking for radical honesty, meaningful insights, various perspectives and ideas?

I could support you on your journey! You are to decide what to take, what to explore further and co-create and how your next step will look like.

To explore this path:

We identify your breakthrough question, in other words your intention and the “dream come true” reality. This is where we set the rules for ourselves and co-create the first step.

We work on your breakthrough question, identify and remove obstacles and blockages standing in the way (e.g. detrimental beliefs, energy structures) and learn new ways to access and decode information from deeper levels of your unconscious. This is where you experiment and practice. This is also where we tweak the process so it meets your needs best. You decide how fast we go. 

This step consists of approximately six sessions, each 1.5-2 hours, every two to three weeks. 

Here is where this journey gets to its completion so that the new one can begin. We evaluate the progress, give attention to what still needs to be appreciated and draw a vision for what is next to come.

Still got questions?

i am

I am

I am an enthusiast of alternative development methods for both organizations and individuals. They engage integrate mind, intuition, emotions, feelings and body signals. I am interested in what is invisible, hidden between words, what exists in the knowing field. I know from experience that under the surface of cognition, we can find a lot of useful and inspiring information, thanks to which we will reach our destination faster.

my why

my why

I dream of organizations which are successful and happy at the same time. Organizations where cooperation between people is based on mutual trust, openness and autonomy.

My dream is to work with people who feel the need to change, believe in it and are ready to implement it – both in organizations and in the world in which they live. I dream of working with people who make decisions and have the power to implement them.

I make these dreams come true through helping organizations to shape processes of decision-making and responsibility distribution, increasing autonomy in cooperation, transparency. I guide and support introduction of a systemic and agile approach to the implementation of tasks in accordance with their higher purpose.

my path

my path

My interest in transformation and self-organization was born from my personal professional experience in high performing investment corporations. After studying economics, I started experiencing traditional management methods from the inside, working in a mid-size business, then international corporate environment. For 10 years I have been developing my experience in investment advisory working at commercial real estate at DTZ / Cushman & Wakefield and BNP Paribas Real Estate. 

One of the most important lessons in my professional life was the experience of how the environment created by managers impacts people and results, how individuals determine the organizational reality. Led by curiosity and a sense of the absurd, I understood I want and I can live differently – in harmony with myself and the world around me. So can you and people in your organization. It is possible to create and environment which supports happiness and results at the same time. What it takes is trust, transparency, commitment and self-organization.

my philosophy

my phylosophy

I believe in trust and transparency. Even if it is not that easy to be obtained as we tend to think.

I believe in autonomy and responsibility. In authority resulting from competence. In committed cooperation for a common goal that defines how we share work, how we make decisions.

I believe in the freedom that is necessary to create and change structures. In the right to experiment, tring,  making mistakes and further experimenting.

I believe in intuition.

I believe that organizations can change when their foundations contain trust, faith in people, openness and respect. When they are clear about their values and goals. I believe in the source of our doings, which often lays under the cover of what is visible. 

Integrating my work experience with the unconscious and energy, can see it clearly.

my talents

my talents

Working with me, you can expect a number of tools and talents which I developed throughout my professional career and self development. I will support you and your  organizations in transformation towards self-management, self-organization of teams and the implementation of the Holacracy – a system that radically changes the approach to distribution of power distribution and decision making.

hire me today

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My free series

find out how you could transform the way you manage, organize and relate

with conscious organization

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+48 501 430 513

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find out how you could transform the way you manage, organize and relate

with conscious organization

start here

Email Me

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+48 501 430 513

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Calendly do wrzucenia jak zrobię

Ellie Lindström

What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibh vel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito solatium.

Superstites altero apparct vero. Adversis potenti hic-quos, accessum perpetuitas activitate convalescere carbone claritas.

Are you ready to transform the way you manage, organize and relate?

Start Here

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+48 501 430 513

Are you ready to transform the way you manage, organize and relate?

Start Here

meet me online

Schedule a meeting via Calendly straight away

Email me


call me

+48 501 430 513